DLL - tradução para francês
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DLL - tradução para francês

DLLs; Dll; DLL (disambiguation)

DLL, dynamic link library, (Computers) file containing the executable routines of a program (in the operating systems Windows and OS/2)


Dynamic Link Library



DLL may refer to:

  • Baraboo–Wisconsin Dells Airport (FAA ID), an airport near Baraboo, Wisconsin, U.S.
  • Data link layer, a layer in the OSI network architecture model
  • Davis–Putnam–Logemann–Loveland algorithm, an algorithm for deciding the satisfiability of propositional logic formulae in conjunctive normal form
  • Delay-locked loop, a device to reduce clock skew in digital circuits
  • Dillon County Airport (IATA code), an airport near Dillon, South Carolina, U.S.
  • Distal-less (Dll) gene that controls development of limbs or other appendages in many animals
  • DLL Group, a global financial solutions company
  • Doubly linked list, a data structure in computer programming
  • Dynamic-link library, or a DLL file, as implemented in Microsoft Windows and OS/2
Exemplos de pronúncia para DLL
1. it says warning, error, MSCX DL3 DLL error at line code this.
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Exemplos do corpo de texto para DLL
1. Les militants, qui ont formé un mouvement qu‘ils appellent la Délégation pour la liberté du Lakota (DLL), insistent sur les conditions de vie dramatiques qui r';gnent au sein des réserves d‘Indiens.
2. Selon les chiffres avancés par la DLL, '7% des Sioux vivraient aujourd‘hui sous le seuil de pauvreté, et le chômage avoisinerait les 85%. Comme d‘autres tribus indiennes des Etats–Unis, les Sioux sont aussi décimés par la malbouffe américaine et, surtout, par l‘alcoolisme.